TMG and Joy Lynn tossed a few rocks at Stone, the latest Deniro and Ed Norton suspense drama, but was nothing compared to the way they buried Hereafter. Despite being on TMG’s all time best of actors and Directors, TMG, Joy Lynn and Superguest Lucy just felt Clint Eastwood just missed the mark.  Matt Damon’s great acting could not save a flawed script. TMG advises “Stay for the first ten minutes, then leave.”  We all pay our deep respects to Eastwood in our star segment and very glad he is around to redeem himself. Thank You for Smoking, a fun, faux documentary comedy from 2005 gets high marks. TMG keeps pushing everyone to see Waiting for Superman. Read his commentary. Email this link to all your friends. We pay tribute to fallen star Tom Bosely; we salute Guthrie, Oklahoma; movie trivia and more.