Chartrand Legal Management is a very family oriented business. Family always comes first.
Art J. Chartrand is our principal. Art has over 35 years of legal experience. He is licensed in both Kansas and Missouri and partners with lawyers all over the United States. He and his wife have two adult children, Emily and Alex. Art is a big movie fan, flies planes, rides motorcyles, drives boats and rides horses whevener he can. See more on his personal bio page.
Joy Moore is our Chief of Staff. Joy wears a variety of hats and responsibilities in our organization. Her skills go way beyond full time paralegal and manager for the law office administrative matters. “Joy can handle almost any issue or need in my absence…or in my presence,” according to Art Chartrand. She and her husband Steve live in Olathe, Kansas and have two sons.
Arthur A. Chartrand, Art’s Dad, worked closely for years in the same office suite. Arthur A. ran his personal financial consulting business from 1980 – 2004. “Art Sr.” as we conveniently referred to him, was the former Executive Vice President and then President of Johnson County National Bank and Kansas National Banks respectively until 1980. Both banks have since been bought out or merged into larger banking organizations. Click here to learn more about Dad and the business he ran. Dad joined his sons Eddie and Steven in heaven on June 16, 2004. We miss him every day.
Carol Chartrand returned to full time real estate sales in 2004 and is associated with BHG Kansas City Homes Carol still helps our office on many client related projects while guiding her own clients buying and selling their homes all over the United States. You won’t find better personal service. You can reach her at [email protected]