A Serious Man (2009)

Starring Michael Stuhlbarg (hardly a real “star”  yet), Richard Kind (you know him) TMG Scale 8.0 “Receive with simplicity all that happens to you.”  You will understand. This movie had zero plot and so many Yiddish and Hebrew expressions I might have...

Shutter Island (2010)

Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Kingsley, Mark Ruffalo TMG Scale 1.0 No, that is no misprint.  TMG generously gives this movies a 1.0 rating. This film should have had the subtitle “Feeling good today? Prefer a headache?” I dare you. Go see it...

Superbad (2007)

Starring Michael Cera (of Juno fame) and Jonah Hill TMG Scale 7.0 TMG is really embarrassed to admit it, if not a bit shocked, but this totally juvenile if not slightly moronic film  is really, really funny.  Had the overly gratuitous graphic sexual  humor been toned...

Edge of Darkness (2010)

Starring Mel Gibson (and a host of other excellent but bit character actors) TMG Scale 7.5 If you like Mel Gibson (and TMG loves him) and liked  the Lethal Weapon series and  if you thought Taken with Liam Neeson was great, well you might be a bit disappointed.   But,...

Oscar Nomination picks for March 7, 2010

Note: Click on any Article Title or Caption to post a reply comment. Art the Movie Guys says: Avatar Hands down winner. If not, the Academy is just once again, more out of touch with the real people than Nancy Pelosi’s is with her face. OK, tell me I’m out of...