PAUL (2011)

TMG Scale 4.5 Starring Seth Rogan, Sigourney Weaver …and half the cast of Saturday Night Live A silly little movie with lots of gratuitous F-bombs.  How is that for the Reader’s Digest plot summary? From Greg Mottola,  the Director of SuperBad...

PAUL (2011)

TMG Scale 4.5 Starring Seth Rogan, Sigourney Weaver …and half the cast of Saturday Night Live A silly little movie with lots of gratuitous F-bombs.  How is that for the Reader’s Digest plot summary? From Greg Mottola,  the Director of SuperBad...


TMG Scale 8.0 Starring Luke Wilson,  James Caan Joy Lynn: This is a guy flick with sexual stimulation, nudity, drugs, violence and a good story line.   It’s the “Social Network” of the online porn industry based on the true story of Christopher...


TMG Scale 8.0 Starring Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie (Look for Timothy Dalton, Paul Bettany & Steven Berkoff too!) Some of my best friends are questioning why I would give this funky, easy little film an 8.0 rating.  Well, it was Johhny Depp and it was just plain...