by artchartand | Mar 14, 2012 | 2012, Drama, Thriller
TMG Scale 6.5 MPAA Rating: R Starring Liam Neeson, Dermot Mulroney Predictable. Over acted. A little corny at times. But TMG was willing to overlook the obvious flaws and just go along for the ride, …er uh wreck,…plane wreck. It kept my attention and...
by artchartand | Jun 19, 2010 | 2010, Action & Adventure, Comedy
TMG Scale 7.0 Starring Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper Pure fun. TMG fondly recalls the original TV series upon which this film is based. This movie version is much better. TMG’s friend Wendy took her teenage sons and said they all enjoyed it. But not all moms...
by artchartand | Feb 21, 2010 | 2009, Action & Adventure, Drama, Thriller
Starring: Liam Neeson (and other great actors but TMG has never heard of them) TMG Scale 9.0 TMG loved this film. It was like watching a ball roll down a hill. It started a bit slow but just gathered momentum as it went. Neeson was great. TMG wants to say no more...