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Art the Movie Guys says:


Hands down winner. If not, the Academy is just once again, more out of touch with the real people than Nancy Pelosi’s is with her face. OK, tell me I’m out of line here!

The Blind Side

Hands down second place, but there is no second place. TMG might even like to see such a film win. We’ll be cheering “Ruuudie” or maybe “Big Mikkkkey.”

Inglourious Basterds Tarantino doing what he does best. TMG would give it a tie for second place.

The Hurt Locker

Awesome but TMG just does not see its huge impact. Hey, Full Metal Jacket was skipped too in 1988!

District 9

Did not see it.  TMG cannot see everything.  What do you think??

An Education

No way. An old fart seducing a child should be no brainer toss to oblivion.  If this wins anything, TMG is going to puke.

Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire

We do not need another Slumdogger in the Oscars.  TMG refuses to watch this one unless paid lots of money and has lots of aspirin.

A Serious Man

My apologies to the Coen Brothers. TMG has this high on his list to see but given that he has heard of no one else that saw it either, this one may only really be appreciated with time, like The Big Lebowski.


TMG did not see.  Heard it was terrific. TMG offers to take any child that has not seen it!

Up in the Air

TMG just says, “spare me.”