by artchartand | Feb 8, 2014 | Action & Adventure, Drama, Featured Movies, History
TMG Scale 7.5 MPAA Rating: PG-13 Starring George Clooney, Matt Damon, John Goodman, Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett, Bob Balaban (yeah, you know him) An all-star cast. Great story. Obviously well acted. I admire George Clooney more every day. He is on my top five list...
by artchartand | Feb 1, 2014 | 2013, Drama, Featured Movies
TMG Scale 6.5 MPAA Rating: R Starring Matthew McConaughey, Jenifer Garner I know many folks will just freak out at TMG’s relatively low rating for this movie. After all, TMG is a huge Matthew McConaughey fan. What he had to do to prepare for this role makes me...
by artchartand | Jan 11, 2014 | Action & Adventure, Featured Movies, History, Thriller
TMG Scale 10.0 MPAA Rating: R Starring Mark Wahlberg, Ben Foster, Emile Hirsch Riveting. Best film of the year. Best war tribute since Saving Private Ryan (1998). This movie will grind your humanity to the core and keep you cringing in your seat as you experience...
by artchartand | Jan 7, 2014 | 2013, Featured Movies
TMG Scale 6.0 MPAA Rating: R Starring Matthew McConaughey, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill A TMG rating of 6.0 is being generous with an emphasis on this movie could have, and should have, been a whole lot better. How? Listen to an editor and cut about 1.3 hours of...
by artchartand | Nov 4, 2013 | Featured Movies
Go see Lone Survivor…a clear 10.0 on the TMG Scale. Run to your local theatre today!
by artchartand | Jan 9, 2013 | 2012, Documentary, Featured Movies
The following is too good not to publish. TMG rates it a 10.0 A Layman’s Gun Debate Primer The following is not intended to be exhaustive or scholarly, but it is factual. Make your own mind up about guns. If you think I have a single fact wrong, please email...